Given the increasing reliance on renewable energy, and the focus on achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2050, TPS have assisting with a range of projects in the renewable energy sector.
Our team has supported clients to provide highways consultancy services in relation to such facilities, including solar farms and battery storage sites. A key part of the our work is focused on the effect the construction of the site will have on the local highway network. Once operational, sites such as these generate very little vehicular traffic, generally restricted to once monthly maintenance visit. With this in mind, we have prepared Transport Statements and Construction Traffic Management Plan for such sites, setting out the construction period and the expected level of trip generation when operational and during construction.
Our work has involved undertaking route assessments of the local highway network, in order to ensure that plant and materials required for the construction of such sites can reach the development. We also advise on proposed access arrangements to ensure that they can both accommodate the vehicles requiring access and they can operate safely in terms of providing visibility in line with the prevailing speed limit.
Should you or your clients be working on any such projects, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with John Turner/Georgina Stares and they will be happy to assist.