Residential Development Applications – A Series of Successes

We continue to assist a number of high-profile clients with their residential proposals, including Keepmoat, Gleeson Homes, Persimmon Homes, Taylor Wimpey and Strata. Most recently we have assisted with schemes which have been granted consent at Halton Moor, Leeds (Gleeson Homes), Park Lane, Shirland (Strata) and Kelham Island, Sheffield (CODA Studios Ltd).

Whether you’re seeking consent for five, 25 or 500+ dwellings, our team has a wealth of experience in assisting with successful planning applications for residential schemes. Not only do we write Transport Statements and Transport Assessments, but we also prepare pre-planning Feasibility Studies (considering constraints and opportunities to development from a highways perspective), Local Plan Allocation submissions, highway and access designs, layout advice (including vehicle tracking), Construction Traffic Management Plans and Travel Plan development and implementation – fulfilling the Travel Plan Coordinator role.

If you are looking to bring forward a residential development, please don’t hesitate to contact our team who will be happy to assist.