Having been voted the best school in Derbyshire earlier in 2020, in October St Mary’s Catholic School in Derby was irreparably damaged by fire – thankfully no one was injured, however, the local community was devastated and the school was left with an urgent need to find temporary premises to allow the 350 pupils to return.
Supporting project managers GNA and CBP architects, once again, we were able to successfully demonstrate that the school’s relocation to St James’ House in central Derby would not have an undue detrimental impact on the local highway network.
Working closely with the school, our reports tackled the Council’s immediate concerns that existing traffic issues caused by a neighbouring secondary school would be exacerbated by the relocation, providing in-depth details on staff and pupil travel patterns, proposed shuttle bus service details and an off-site park and stride.
Our ability to turn around a suitably robust Transport Assessment and Travel Plan quickly was key, given the need for an urgent planning submission, without room for delay to the decision.
We were delighted to find out that the application was granted consent last week. In the decision notice, the Planning Officer noted that: In dealing with this application the City Council has worked with the applicant / agent in a positive and proactive manner and has secured appropriate clarification relating to parking, bus routes and site access.
A fantastic result for the team!