Mandale Business Park – Transport Statement & Travel Plan

Over a number of years TPS has worked closely with ELG Planning to support the Mandale Group in the ongoing development of the Mandale Business Park, Durham. Our team has prepared a number of Transport Statements, Highways Technical Notes and a Framework Travel Plan in support of a number of change of use and masterplan applications on the site of the former LG Philips plant.

A masterplan application to develop 37,500 sqm of B1 office space was originally granted at the site in 2008. A related S106 Agreement secured funding towards offsite highway mitigation works, required to improve a key local junction. In response to market demands the site owner has made a number of subsequent change of use planning applications, along with proposals to develop a new distribution warehouse facility on land previously identified for offices.

In support of each application TPS prepared appropriate supporting reports, in response to ongoing dialogue with the local highways authority. Through careful consideration of the proposals being made it has been possible to illustrate that highways impacts are negligible, when compared to the previously permitted schemes and secured highways mitigation works. Assessments of local highway capacity have been undertaken and presented to the Council, considering a number of different development scenarios and build out periods.

Covering the site as a whole, a Framework Travel Plan was prepared in order to consolidate efforts made in pursuit of a reduction in single occupancy car trips. Preparation of the Travel Plan drew upon TPS’s experience of preparing and implementing similar strategies at other multi-occupier mixed use developments, ensuring measures proposed were appropriate, practical and cost effective.

Delivery of this project has required our team to work collaboratively with the planners, client and local authority, given the need to understand and fully consider the wider planning history at the site and related highways impacts.