Photograph of an inclusive cross at University of York

New Inclusive Crossing Unveiled at University of York

As part of an ongoing secondment role with the University of York’s Estate’s Department, Director, Georgina Stares, has been providing specialist advice on all manner of transport-related projects over the past 12-months.

Most recently she has helped support the University to design and implement an all-inclusive ‘Rainbow Crossing’. This replaces a traditional zebra crossing on the University’s Campus West and is aimed at supporting and celebrating the diversity of the University’s community.

Working with one of our highway design partners (Matt Taylor & Partners), we oversaw the design of the crossing, which reflects the Progress Flag and has been installed ahead of LGBT+ History Month in February.

Being on the University’s unadopted road network, the project provided an opportunity to combine elements of traditional highway design with something more creative and meaningful to many, without detracting from the need to provide a functional crossing facility.

As part of the design, features to enhance pedestrian safety were incorporated, with extended tactile paving and guard rail and new signage replacing inadequate existing provision.