Photograph of new build houses

Planning Support For Village Scheme

TPS worked on behalf of Taylor Wimpey North Yorkshire to prepare a Transport Assessment for a 125-dwelling development at Wheldrake, York.

As an allocated site for residential development, there was a clear policy argument for the proposals being acceptable, nonetheless, the Transport Assessment sought to determine the specific transport impacts of the development on the local highway network, specifically at a number of key junctions within the village.

We undertook a review of the opportunities for future residents of the site to travel by sustainable modes, recognising the limitations of the semi-rural location and drawing on knowledge of local facilities. 

Through the use of a gravity model, we were able to demonstrate that the proposals would not result in a material impact on the local highway network and by reference to historic accident data we were able to show there were no existing road safety issues that might be exacerbated by the proposals and thus that the development was acceptable in highways terms.

In addition to the preparation of the report, we were able to feed into the site access design and internal layout, drawing on our knowledge and experience of residential design standards generally, and more specifically in York.