A photograph of a homeless person sitting on the street

Support for Assisted Living Developments

Over the past 12 months, our team has been appointed to support a number of applications for assisted living type developments; proving that transport planning has an important role to play in making for a better society, beyond supporting applications for high-end office buildings or new executive homes.

We’ve worked alongside Cornerstone Place; a developer that provides accommodation for ex-homeless persons throughout the UK. As well as providing an opportunity to expand our portfolio of projects and work with a new client, we very much see the partnership with this particular developer as something we are keen to support from a CSR point of view. Most recently, in Spring 2021, we helped secure planning consent for the conversion of a former office building into ex-homeless persons accommodation in Rossendale. We have since been assisting with the discharge of associated planning conditions, including the preparation of a Construction Traffic Management Plan.

We have also been working on a number of change-of-use applications recently, in partnership with ADC, for two organisations providing accommodation for adults with learning difficulties who require residential support. This has often involved much more detailed consideration of parking requirements, than might otherwise be provided for a COU application, giving consideration to bespoke trip generation and parking demand of both residential staff and support workers in order to address Highways Officers concerns and ensure a positive outcome to the application.