Photograph from an ariel view of an Asda superstore

ASDA Highways Framework – Local Development Due Diligence

For a number of years TPS has been selected to be on the ASDA Highways Framework, providing a range of transport planning and highways advice in relation to the development of new stores, and the enhancement or protection of existing assets.

Through this period we have carried out in excess of 100 detailed reviews of developer prepared Transport Assessments and Travel Plans for due diligence purposes. This role typically included an overall critical review of development proposals which could affect ASDA assets, including:

  • Development layout including site access arrangement and swept path analysis;
  • Ensuring the quantum of car and cycle parking is in accordance with local standards and will not result in overspill on to the public highway;
  • Suitability of trip rates, trip generation and trip distribution;
  • Accuracy of junction modelling exercises and how the outputs have been interpreted
  • Appropriateness of any proposed mitigation