Galley Hill, Guisborough – Transport Assessment & Travel Plan

This large residential development on the north-western fringe of the historic market town of Guisborough allowed TPS to work with regular client Taylor Wimpey (North Yorkshire). Our team was appointed to prepare a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan in support of proposals to develop 350 new homes.

At the initiation of the project TPS formed part of the design team, providing advice on and input to the layout of the access junctions and internal arrangements, based upon relevant local highway design standards.

Based upon an agreed layout TPS completed a comprehensive scoping exercise with regard to the Transport Assessment and Travel Plan reports – agreeing the contents and direction of the documents with the local highway authority. This process helped to avoid long running post-submission discussions with the highway officers as all variables were agreed in advance of the reports being completed.

Following the planning submission, the application was refused planning permission by local councillors, despite officer recommendations. Taylor Wimpey, therefore, took the case to appeal with the highways reports being subject to a keen level of scrutiny by those objecting to the proposed scheme. As with the initial scoping and the report submission, our work was found to be accurate and relevant, ensuring that the developers were successful with their planning appeal.

Following the conclusion of the project TPS were thanked by the client for the high quality of our submissions, flexibility in approaching the appeal to gather evidence and commitment to ensuring that every aspect of the proposed scheme had been given full consideration.