TPS has supported CEG to develop and implement its Travel Plan Strategy at iconic Leeds development, Kirkstall Forge. What started as a means to discharge a planning condition has become part and parcel of every day life; even before tenants move to the site they are offered support and advice to encourage staff to travel sustainably from the outset, with TPS delivering ‘travel roadshows’ in partnership with the likes of First, Yorkshire Tiger, WYCA, City Connect, Love to Ride and Northern.
Our role has been diverse, including undertaking travel surveys, organising events, preparing marketing / promotional campaigns and travel information materials, setting up a cycle and scooter hire scheme and delivering personalised travel planning. We have supported the Travel Plan Coordinator in a successful bid to become a gold level accredited Bike Friendly Business and have recently been successful in securing funding through Leeds City Council’s Clean Air to extend the cycle hire scheme to include e-Bikes. We continue to perform an advisory role.
Director, Georgina Stares, has been involved throughout and says ‘Kirkstall Forge has been a really exciting project to take on; being able to see it through from writing a strategy to satisfy the Council’s requirements, to delivering a range of tangible initiatives has been great.’