TPS were pleased to be commissioned to review the transportation issues associated with the development of a community ice rink and new home venue of the Manchester Phoenix Ice Hockey Team.
Following the development with our client of a comprehensive and targeted brief, TPS prepared a Transport Assessment to accompany a change of use planning application for unused warehouse space in Manchester’s Sport City, the largest concentration of sporting venues in Europe located just two miles from Manchester city centre. However, with regard to this application, the Transport Assessment had to address significant, site-specific constraints that ultimately limited its potential for on-site car parking provision to accommodate its 1,250 spectators.
Given the bespoke nature of the proposals, its location between Manchester city centre and the Sport City and its limited scope for car parking, careful consideration was given to the methodology to be adopted in the preparation of the Transport Assessment. Liaising closely with our contacts at Manchester City Council, TPS formulated a development specific methodology which considered its likely transport impacts on match days based upon our knowledge and application of Transport Statistics Great Britain 2016, published by Department for Transport (DfT).
Moreover, the likely person trip generation by mode was determined and opportunities for movement by modes other than the private car were identified and reviewed; the site benefits, particularly, from its location relative to the Manchester Metrolink. And, through our review of local parking provision and its utilisation, we identified alternatives to on-site car parking that would not result in anti-social, nuisance and errant car parking.
We are pleased to confirm that the planning application was granted consent by Manchester City Council.