Our well established and ongoing relationship with the Newcastle Great Park Consortium has seen TPS provide Transport Planning advice over many years.
Newcastle Great Park is one of the largest mixed-use developments in the North East of England with more than 5,000 homes proposed, in addition to a range of high quality office accommodation, a new town centre, a new first school and many community facilities. Since its inception in 1999, the site has seen over 2,000 homes already built along with significant new road infrastructure provided as well as significant, popular and well-established network of public transport provisions.
TPS has been appointed to prepare a range of transport planning reports in support of various planning applications across the site. The most significant of these required our team to prepare a robust Transport Assessment and Travel Plan to accompany the planning application for residential and education development in Cell A. The proposals will provide a further 1,200 new homes and three schools with a total roll number of more than 2,000 pupils. The report considered the impact of the proposals on the road network internal to the Great Park, on the local road network external to the Great Park and on the strategic road network, particularly the A1(M).
Related commissions have required TPS to prepare Transport Statements and Technical Reports in support of an application for a new town centre, reserved matters applications for residential development, and change of use applications from office to residential land uses.
Alongside the preparation of planning reports TPS has since 2010 fulfilled the role of Travel Plan Coordinator across the Newcastle Great Park estate, in fulfilment of S106 travel plan requirements. This wide ranging role has required our team to deliver a suite of travel plan marketing materials, annual travel plan monitoring, and ongoing stakeholder engagement. We also assume responsibility for the planning and procurement of public transport services across the development, secured through a S106 Agreement.