Public Transport Strategies & Procurement

It is increasingly common to find that major developments are required to fund enhancements to local public transport services in order to improve the sustainable accessibility of a site. These are typically secured through a S106 Agreement, negotiated through the planning process. The delivery of public transport services is, however, often costly, and needs to be considered and managed carefully to avoid excessive or unsustainable expenditure.

There is often a requirement to balance the need to meet local planning and accessibility guidelines, with the delivery of sustainable services which will offer long term benefits beyond the availability of developer contributions.

TPS have extensive experience in developing Public Transport Strategies which ensure best value for money, and critically, long term commercial viability. This process often commences at the planning application stage, and is closely linked to the preparation of a S106 Agreement. We take time to consider the bespoke nature of a site, the likely travel characteristics of those who would use public transport, and the range of service delivery options available.

Beyond the preparation of a Public Transport Strategy we are experienced in the procurement and ongoing management of the required services. We work closely with public transport operators, the local council and developers to ensure that services remain fit for purpose as developments grow, and as local circumstances change.

TPS has worked on a wide range of schemes, in both the residential and commercial development sectors. We are also increasingly asked to support large employers looking to improve the accessibility of a workplace through the delivery of carefully planned and often bespoke services, reducing the need for the workforce to travel by car. This process is often intrinsically linked to the proactive delivery of a Travel Plan Strategy.