A key part of any successful Travel Plan programme is a pro-active marketing, communication and engagement strategy. Whilst marketing alone is often not enough to influence travel behaviour, it is essential that the target audience is provided with easy access to the information they need on their journey options. Beyond the provision of information an audience must be inspired, encouraged and engaged if they are to shift away from their usual travel options, in favour of more sustainable or practical alternatives.
At TPS our team are responsible for the implementation of a wide range of diverse Travel Plan projects. Whether fulfilling the role of Travel Plan Coordinator or supporting others, we have an ongoing need to prepare and deliver marketing and engagement strategies and tools focused upon the use of sustainable transport.
For this reason we have our own in-house design and events team, specialising in the promotion of sustainable transport. View just a few of our project examples below, or get in touch to discuss how our team could support your project.
Common tools used include:
- On-site events, roadshows and drop-in sessions;
- Design services, preparing engaging and informative materials to support a campaign;
- Digital services, creating engaging websites and email campaigns;