Calder Park Business Park, Wakefield

TPS were instructed to develop and deliver a range of solution focussed Travel Plan measures at this large mixed-use employment development on the outskirts of Wakefield, to both satisfy planning requirements and support on the ongoing promotion and management of the site.

Calder Park is a large, mixed-use employment site spanning 240 acres, conveniently located next to Junction 39 of the M1 motorway in Wakefield. Like many out-of-town business parks situated at motorway junctions, the site faces challenges with the allocation and management of parking spaces. These issues underscore the need to promote and facilitate sustainable travel options.

To address these challenges and meet planning-related travel plan requirements, our team was appointed as the Travel Plan Coordinator. We developed and implemented a range of Travel Plan initiatives aimed at reducing parking demand through the promotion of sustainable travel alternatives and managing the remaining parking needs effectively.

As an initial step, we created a comprehensive travel information website and guide for occupiers and employees. We also held ‘Travel Surgery’ drop-in events to assist those interested in sustainable travel options and conducted a site-wide baseline travel survey among employees. This groundwork helped us understand the specific needs and preferences of the Calder Park community.

Our team then worked to establish the ‘Calder Park community,’ extending our role beyond traditional travel planning. By chairing regular occupier meetings, we engaged with businesses across the site and key stakeholders, including the Council’s Economic Growth team and local bus operator, Arriva. This collaborative approach facilitated a broader and more cohesive effort towards improving site accessibility.

One of our significant achievements was securing the diversion of an existing bus service through the Park during peak periods at no cost to developers or occupiers. This was based on a comprehensive survey of employee travel habits. We launched the bus service in May 2017 with a high-profile event, distributing information about the service, ticket deals, and even free pizza to businesses, ensuring widespread awareness and uptake.

Additionally, we collaborated with Virgin East Coast, which manages Wakefield Westgate station, to set up a ‘reverse Park & Ride’ initiative. This allows businesses with parking shortages to rent spaces at the station at a reduced rate, enabling employees to catch the new bus service to Calder Park. Arriva complemented this initiative by introducing a bespoke ‘Park and Ride’ ticket.

Through these comprehensive efforts, we successfully reduced parking demand and enhanced sustainable travel options at Calder Park, demonstrating our commitment to innovative and effective travel planning solutions.