Over the past two years, our team has worked alongside Steve Wells Associates, to successfully secure planning permission for a number of new sports facilities across the UK.
In April 2020, we prepared a Transport Statement in support of an application at Cantley Park, Wokingham, for the construction of a new 3G Artificial Grass Pitch with floodlights and the refurbishment of the existing pavilion to provide new changing facilities and café. Our assessment demonstrated that the development proposals, which included an additional 39 car parking spaces, would not result in a detrimental impact on the local highway network. The application was subsequently approved in July 2020.
Following the success of the application at Cantley Park, we were appointed to provide Transport Assessments for a further two proposed developments. The first included two full-sized sports pitches, a remodelled skate park, extended car park and detached pavilion at Bamber Leisure Centre. The planning application was approved in January 2021.
The second site, located at an existing Liverpool County FA facility, included a new 3G artificial grass pitch and an extension to the existing clubhouse. TPS also provided a Travel Plan for this site to support staff and participants in travelling to the site by sustainable and active modes of transport.
The likely demand for parking is typically a contentious issue at many sites similar to this, however, through detailed analysis of the timetabling of facilities as part of car park accumulation assessments, we have been able to demonstrate that the level of parking proposed is suitable and that, ultimately, there are no highways reasons why the development proposals should not have been granted consent.